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6 CyberSecurity essential tips

    Cybersecurity is a growing concern for businesses of all sizes, but can be particularly challenging for small businesses with limited resources.

    With the increasing amount of cyber attacks, it’s important for small businesses to take measures to protect their information and that of their clients.
    In this post, we present some useful tips to ensure the cybersecurity of any business.

    1. Raise awareness among all employees of the importance of cybersecurity

      It is essential that all employees understand the importance of cybersecurity and are able to identify potential cyber threats.
      Make sure your employees are well-informed about the company’s security policy and promote cybersecurity training.

    2. Keep software up to date

      Keeping your operating system and all applications up to date is one of the most important measures to protect your business against security vulnerabilities.
      It’s important to ensure that all employees keep their machine software updated.

    3. Regularly create and verify backups

      Regularly backup your critical data to protect your business against data loss in case of system failures or cyber attacks. Make sure your employees know how to make regular backups and where to store them safely.

    4. Use strong passwords

      Use strong and unique passwords for all company accounts and instruct your employees to do the same.
      Encourage the use of phrases with more than 15 characters that include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
      Consider using a password management tool.

    5. Protect the network

      Ensure that your network is protected by a firewall, which is a software that helps prevent hackers from accessing your system.
      Also, use encryption to protect your wireless network.

    6. Be aware of phishing threats

      Phishing is a technique used by hackers to obtain confidential information from users.
      Make sure all employees are aware of what phishing is, how to identify and avoid these threats.

      By following these cybersecurity tips, you can help protect your small business and your clients against cyber threats. It’s important to remember that cybersecurity is an ongoing responsibility that should be regularly reinforced to ensure proper protection of your data.

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